Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Stand Up for Shitting

SURVIVOR was awesome tonight, even though technically it was awesome last Thursday, when it actually aired. But who cares? Ok, first they do a reward challenge where they BUILD a fucking BATHROOM. I love "construction." And I love BATHROOMS, as much as do the Japanese, who sell commodes that weigh your ass and check your blood pressure. Whether they know as well as I do that a rounder ben-jo offers more sworling downward thrust than an ellipitical one is another issue. But I know one thing the Japanese don't: Republicans and rightwingers care far more about shitting than Democrats and left wingers. You mean to tell me there's no left leaning individual who will stand up for shitting? And then for the immunity challenge ... get this: An OCTOGON style brawl, during which "the gay" kicked the redneck's ass twice with a nasty ass pillow. What's more, then I got to see that Ultimate Fighter show on the "guy network." What's it called? Zap, or Stick, or .... hold on, I honestly can't remember the name of that goddamned network. Pride? Zip? Why am I thinking there's a "z" in the name? Ignite? Shark? Attack? SPIKE!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH.

1 comment:

betagirl said...

HA! Great post. I loved it when that skinny redneck guy got his ass beat by the big ol' queer. More! More! More!