Saturday, March 26, 2005

Native Americana

I am out back sitting on my screened in porch, enjoying the twilight, the lovely gloaming of birds and early stars, while living the "wired" dream of a wireless internet cloud of the CONTROL CENTER. Alliterate that, biotch. But wait, what's that I hear? "Wooo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo." Some alien bird from South America that shits fire ants? "Wooo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo." NO! It's some stupid fucking kid playing Indian. Have these kids just finished watching an episode of the Lone Ranger or Wild Wild West and are now in the backyard GETTING INTO IT? Is there seriously shit on TV now where a Native American hoots while slapping his hand over his spooled mouth? Who knows, maybe the Illini "Chief" stopped in for a visit -- you know, just for a quick "HOW" and a hatchet dance. It's been a long while since I've excavated my PC Police Uniform from the closet, and I am not about to do so now. I am simply wondering, WHERE DO 9 YEAR OLD KIDS GET THIS??? And what's so great about playing Indian anyway? You mean to tell me that the last 50, nay, 150, nay, 400 YEARS of popular culture has produced no better a childhood villain that the RED MAN?

1 comment: said...

they get it from My Neighbor Totoro.