Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Spumeus Purificatione

Think back to Stucky's, any Stucky's, in remembrance of the days of liquid soap in hues of bile. Think no more! For whoever patented those "Gojo" soap dispensers that issue FOAMED soap is a fookin genius and has restored dignity to the best of Judaeo-Christian ablutions.

De Ablutiones

I am trying to be more like Austin.
I forgot what a shower could do.
I’ll eat any free pizza.
Tell what it was.
Tell Pat about my katas.
Kiss my car.
Let it do what it does.
Can't see the floor for the flow.
Joan away from Joan.
Whistle and be Wes.
You're the one who loses the phone.


Anonymous said...

Awwwe! Austin's cute!

Anonymous said...

What can I tell you? I simply love the Language.

-perhaps another needless emballistic embare-ass-itude