Thursday, February 24, 2005


Yes, it is awesome that the bones of a GIANT PANDA were discovered in a tomb – A FUCKING TOMB – in China. It’s BAD REPORTING to omit explaining HOW BIG was the creature. And if you don’t have dimensions, then MAKE SOMETHING UP, and make it BIG.

Yes, it is awesome that the SKULL of an Antient Crocko’dille was discovered. It is BAD REPORTING to fail to mention HOW BIG was the creature. And if you don’t have dimensions, so what? Just give us a sketch of a HUGE CROC and be done with it.

On an unrelated note, would that the legislators in the USofGay were half as smart or educated as the Palestinian officials.



betagirl said...

I agree about the crappy reporting. Also, what's that nonsense about "at first they thought it was a pig jaw bone but upon further research..." What future research? How the hell did they figure that out? It sounds like a bunch a dudes hanging out that just smoked one too many and decided it was a giant panda jaw bone. Give me fucking details!!

Anonymous said...

betagirl, you rock. I must make love to you.