Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Fuck The Family

Let's see, top news item for the day on CNN.suck concerns a MISSING TEEN in Aruba. Fuck that stupid blond bitch. WHO FUCKING CARES? "But THE FAMILY cares." Know what, the NATION don't give a shit! What about the four TEENS killed in Iraq today? Don't give a shit about that either, I guess is the thinking. But hey, the savvy International edition of CNN informs us that "there is a genetic basis to female orgasm." What, orgasms have something to do with the body? I've been wasting chocolate and flowers all these years.

Apathetics, click here and tell CNN how STUPID they are. Here's my letter:

Why on earth would the headline on CNN.COM concern the "missing teen" in Aruba? As if that is of more "national importance" than four US soldiers DYING in Iraq! This is exactly the problem with the so-called media: silly dramatic stories distracting our national attention from anything actually worth thinking about. While we're at it, what's the latest on the Runaway Bride over whom you obsessed so much? THE NATION IS DYING TO KNOW! I'm joking, but I'm serious. Stop this, and do your job.


betagirl said...

I TOTALLY agree. This morning I turned on CNN before I went to work and it was all "Michael Jackoff" this "idiot teeneager that left a night club at 2 am with perfect stragers in another country" that. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. Where is the real news!!!

lms said...

I emailed again today. My message: "Why are you leading with the story of the missing teen for the third day in a row?! That's nonsense. Neither of these two stories merit the lead?: 'Bush pushes for Patriot Act renewal' / 'FBI: Al Qaeda plot possibly uncovered.' What is your problem? I thought you were a news organization."

Anonymous said...

Andrew, this is why I'll always love ya, baby.

I hate me some world standing still for some bug-eyed heifer missing runaway bride or some coked up pretty blonde teenager. God bless 'em, but it ain't news unless you're unfortunate enough to live in their hometown.

As long as a white girl or white baby is in jeopardy or unhappy, my black ass is supposed to care.

But the damn Downing Street Memo, police brutality or the missing Shaniquas and Tamikas of the planet don't matter.

Clinton's blow job got more pub than the effin war. And so does Janet's titty and Michael Jackson's spotted dick.

Meanwhile, Bush is a mass murderer and we loooooove him.

As Keith Banner used to tell his stupid class at Miami, the only way to make Americans pay attention to anything is to end it with "...and the tank ran over the baaaaby!"

betagirl said...

While I was at the gym, CNN followed MJ's motorcade from Neverland all the way to the courthouse. All they talked about was what was going to happen while the verdict was being read and what would happen if he was found guilty. You would have thought it was the first time anyone had been in court before. I feel like I lost an hour of my life yesterday because not only was CNN and every other network covering this bullshit but I couldn't watch the People's Court! The worst part is now CNN will continue to drone on about MJ the boy toucher for weeks while they interview jurors, people that new the judge when they were ten, and the uncle's cousin of the court reporter. It will NEVER end. NEVER!