Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Super Tuesday, volume II

NYT reports:

“Mr. Obama is expected to win the primary in Oregon, a largely white state with a fairly liberal Democratic base, while Mrs. Clinton is expected to win in Kentucky, which has a strong working-class vote,” and um, errrrr, also “a largely white state,” yes?

Hmmm. So both states have large white populations. Hmmm, what’s the difference between them? “Mrs. Clinton won a commanding victory last Tuesday in neighboring West Virginia, where racial considerations emerged as an unusually evident factor for some Democratic voters, according to exit polls.” Is that what they are calling RACISM now? “Racial considerations”? OK.

“Clinton advisers add that they believe race was a relatively small factor in the West Virginia vote.” HAH! Of course they say that. It’s their brand of Clinton Racism I spoke about earlier, which has one part cynicism, two parts stupidity, and a dash of Roveian strategy.

“. . . and this is nowhere near over,” says HRC.

God almighty. Woman, STOP THE MADNESS. But no....

Old white ladies of America! UNITE!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought David Archuleta did much better than David Cook. I wish Cook would just back out of the race.