Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Obama Needs to Do (and Do Now)

GBDH writes in to the Obama campaign with the following advice:

My brief suggestion to O: use the word "Clintonian" as a pejorative, and tell O to offer remarks such as, "Here is another Clintonian strategy of twisting the truth and changing positions. The only change in Hillary's campaign is a change of position when it suits the politics of the moment."

The point: "Clintonian" will merge Hillary and Bill in the minds of the public, and will evoke the worst of Clintonian politics, to which - I'm afraid - your campaign is succumbing.

Make "Clintonian" a bad word. Do to "Clintonian" what Limbaugh and then later Rove have done to "liberal."

I'm not saying be Rove-like. I am saying that O's rhetorical abilities need to be refined towards better soundbites and pejoratives to defeat the Clintons (PLURAL), who are too deft at floating smear balloons.

I honestly don't think you have much time to save this, and I want O to be prez. PLEASE DO THIS, and go O!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She'll have us all wearing nifty brown pantsuits!
We will all feel warm in our nifty brown pantsuits.
And when we call for CHANGE, we will all change into powder-blue pantsuits.
from Wal-Mart.