Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hillary Must Go Down (In Tears)

I can't take it anymore. I can't stand Hillary Clinton. Goddamn her and her poll driven, equivocating bullshit. Look, I voted for Bill Clinton in '92 and danced in front of the TV at Susan Morgan's house with some of the readers here when he won the presidency. I loved it. But I don't love it now (and Bill Clinton is beginning to look like an asshole, but that's another post).

Case in point. The tears episode. Here's Hillary's interpretation of her historic pseudo-sobbing:
"Maybe I have liberated us to actually let women be human beings in public," she said.
Hillary has liberated American women who are now free to burn their bras and their burqas in tribute to her wounded narcissism and their collective, newfound humanity. Give me a fucking break. How many tears have you shed over your vote for W's War? ZERO. Why, because you are not human. And yeah, we're still waiting to hear you say you're "sorry" about that one.

Anyway, did you see the offending video? I don't want to see her face on my awesome rockin' blog, so go here for a look, and think about rule one of gestural analysis: anyone who puts their hand on their face while talking/crying/whatevering – as if they are posing for a fucking author photo on a book jacket – is FAKING IT. And those two words are Hillary's middle name, now that she's not expediently Rodhaming it.

Oh, and fuck you all you old ladies for falling for this shit and voting for her in NH. Stop voting with your pussies, and start thinking with your dicks, as this is politics.


Melissa said...

Hey baby --

I cried with Walsh in our dentist office looking living room in that dump complex Candlewood in '92. I loved Hillary back then, even with the ugly headbands, rabbit teeth and Tammy Wynette bullshit.

You know I've got more balls than most dudes -- but if Hillary is all the Dems put up, I'm gonna have to go her way. She's an asshole, granted. And a corporate asshole at that.

But I CANNOT have Rudy, Romney or Huckleberry effing up the Supreme Court from here to eternity.

If I want to nix a fetus, that's my business, not friggin Antonin Scalia's.

That said, I am for Kucinich. I also love Biden and Richardson. None of these fellas ever had a snowball's chance, but whatever.

I love Edwards. He's at least showing the backbone that Dems lack. Of course now the spin is that "He's too angry."

Eff that noise. If they're NOT angry, they need to have a cap busted in their weak asses.

I have "Barack Star" T-shirt that I've been wearing for two years. (Not every day, because I am a clotheshorse diva...) I love Barack. He made me weep at the 2004convention. Like the hos on Rock of Love, he rocked my world.

So, I have no idea what I'm going to do, but I do know that I'm voting Democratic, come hell or high Katrina.

I ain't gonna dance in front of Susan and Eric's house, but I'll at least drink a glass of something alcoholic. Whether it will be to celebrate or to numb the pain, however, I have not figured out.

Anonymous said...

Hillary won't go down. Why do you think I hooked up with Monica?

Malcolm XYZ said...

dude her grave has been dug for years. I am afraid to see what I think will happen because that might make it not happen. so i ain't gonna say. but it's gonna happen! it's all in the exclamation mark.

Malcolm XYZ said...

i meant to say afraid "to say" what i think will happen, sorry. only had five hours of sleep.