Saturday, November 04, 2006

Mission Accomplished!: Cheney's Say-Nothing, Do-Nothing Buzz Words

Readers are fully aware that I fucking hate plans ad libitum cum willy nilly. I CANNOT FUCKING STAND POORLY EXECUTED PLANS!!! ARRRRRRGH. When I hear Dick Cheney yarn on about his administration’s PLAN for Iraq, I immediately wish to perform a rear naked choke on the fucker and induce his imminent cardiac arrest for the good of the nation.

"We've got the basic strategy right," Cheney said. “It may not be popular with the public — it doesn't matter in the sense that we have to [YES, WE’RE WAITING, WHAT’S THE PLAN?] continue the mission and [WAIT, REPEAT THE PLAN AGAIN?] do what we think is right. And that's exactly what we're doing," Cheney said. [GOOD PLAN!]

"We're not running for office. We're doing what we think is right.” “I think there is no question that it is a tough war, but it is also the right thing to do," he said. "And it is very important that we [IMPORTANT THAT WE DO WHAT? WHAT’S THE PLAN?] . . . complete the mission." "They [democrats] haven't offered up a plan, but they have several different positions — withdraw, withdraw at some future date, cut off funding," Cheney said. [THEY HAVEN’T, IN OTHER WORDS, REPEATED “COMPLETE THE MISSION” A MILLION TIMES.]

"The fact of the matter is, this is the right thing for us to be doing. We need to succeed here. It has a direct bearing on how we do around the world on the global war on terror."

Somebody please impeach this fucker.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Lee Harveys or McVeighs this war will end up producing... said...

Cheney's looking good out there, he's got a lot of heart, but he's doing all the work-- OH, BIG ELBOWS! OH HE GOT ROCKED! Cheney's in big trouble here, those elbows are really punishing him, he's-- NOW HE'S GIVING UP HIS BACK! it looks like -- OH IT'S A REAR NAKED CHOKE! CHENEY'S IN BIG TROUBLE!