Saturday, April 08, 2006


I was refreshed by architecture.
Ecstacy and immensity,
together as one!
Mathematically, that’d be:
First the second, and second the first
in groups of eight or six.
"Rivulets aren’t for rivers anymore,"
"mornings not for fucking,"
express the idea of awesome,
if math’s not your thing.

So say ok.
So say I see.

Ask about the weather.
Ask why songs from the 80s feel good,
like Taco Bell feel good,
like back to back Seinfelds feel good,
or whatever the opposite of sloppy
seconds would be feel good,
whatever the idol would be
in the land of the lost feel good:
a neckless of seabugs,
the sun escaping an eclipse.
Worshipers of the world unite!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Illuminati and the reptilian FREEMASONS are in the process of waking the NEPHALIM who lay in suspended animation in tunnels beneath Baghdad, Belfast, Briton and Jeruselum. As free-THINKING Celts, we must alert the masses. The NEPHALIM are fallen angels who will be instrumental in the re-ushering of NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM!!!
TELL THE WORLD!!! Get off the "ASSY" subject matter. I MEAN it.........