Sunday, May 06, 2007

Greensburg, KS: Bush & the “Heckuva Job” Politics of Destruction

The fact is that a huge tornado destroyed most of Greensburg, KS on May 4, 2007.

The fact is that “Greensburg . . . supported George W. Bush in the last two presidential elections. According to unofficial vote totals for 2004, Bush received 1,248 votes and John Kerry received 253 votes.”

The fact is Greensburg is now New Orleans.

Or is it? Racial make-up of the historically black Greensburg, KS is:
White Non-Hispanic (96.5%)
Hispanic (1.6%)
American Indian (1.5%)
Two or more races (1.1%)
Other race (1.0%)
Oops... no black folk here after all! None to dignify with a name besides "Other."

Will we hear Republican lawmakers suggesting that it’d be pointless to rebuild a town in the middle of tornado alley ("I mean, DUH!"), which is the same logic used to question why any funds should be used to rebuild New Orleans (“It’s below sea level! Why rebuild?”)?

NOT: “We're not going to let a disaster happen here like what happened with [Hurricane] Katrina," Rep. Todd Tiahrt, R-Kansas, told reporters Saturday afternoon. "We're going to take care of people first and then help this city rebuild."

FEMA, there's a White Republican town to rebuild! Get on it!

It's Republican Socialism baby!

Wait, this just in . . . Greensburg, KS DOES NOT SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! Will Rep. Tiahrt stand for this???

GBDH reports. You decide!

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