Friday, January 06, 2006

Ubi sunt . . . .

I really have mixed feelings about the case of Coni Staton, the mother accused of lady-handling a 6 year-old boy who harassed her own ugly child. Check out the educationalist vid!!! (That means you, too, Locust-the-Lazy, recently exposed to neglect clicking links.) See, I just can’t decide whether I want to be on the Noble Citizens Award Committee to nominate Ms. Staton for a public service medal or on the jury for her pending trial, so that I can have a hand in letting this woman get off scot-free with a counter suit award for slander and libel. You decide!!!

She hardly even tousles the stupid fucking kid. And at any rate, growing up in the 70s, ANY ADULT could potentially do this to you right in a goddamned Kmart or at Six Flags. Knowledge of that potentiality kept my ass in line, kept me from wrecking the Trans-Am, and produced the model citizen that I am, respecting adults and serving as a pillar of this community.

What a shame how times have changed. Gone are the days when a fat ass red-neck mom would set your dumb ass straight.

2 comments: said...

This Crawford mom seems a bit confused, saying both "It made me want to jump through that video and do everything she did to my son," AND "[ Antonio] feels like he was wrong, but me and his counselors [sic] are working with him to let him know, regardless of what you do, nobody has the right to put their hands on you," she said. ...unless you're an adult, and someone hurts your kid, right, Crawford? OH, WAIT: THAT'S WHAT STANTON DID. fuck all bullies, be they adolescent or republican. they should get what they deserve: a taste of their own medicine. sure, abuse breeds abusers, but with a genius crack-head mom like he's got, Antonio's pretty much FUCKED anyway. slap him around, and slap around all bullies, smart-asses, back-talkers, and out-actors.

Anonymous said...

Screw the bully and the bully's mom. They are assholes -- and it would be my pleasure to slap the shit out of any little creep who thinks he's all that b/c his stupid lazy parents told him that he's soooo special. Ugh. "You were the best thing that ever happened to the world and to my vagina, baby boy. Mama looooves you!!!"