Thursday, May 26, 2005


Human monkeys will inevitably develop the capacity to communicate telepathically. It makes sense, really, when you think about how exposed to communicative mediae we are, and how frequently we communicate ever more immediately in the temporal sense. GET ON EMAIL! CHECK YOUR PHONE! READ YOUR TEXTS! Our understanding the transformative mechanism, however, the way in which the temporal sense of immediation will give ground to the spatial sense, will be in a deep theorizing of the evolution of HOW we communicate: increasingly, by grammatical and syntactical substraction, by using fewer and fewer articles, vowels, and words, as is initially evident on instant messaging and texting. "o w." What? That's what I text to Zukinemi when I want her to know that I am "On my way" and that it’s time to get Chef Ming’s forthwith, which then got truncated in time and custom to "On way" which got reduced to "o w." This is a quaint example. Clearly, the success of such fragmentary communication is presupposed by the recipient already knowing the message, having successfully traversed the Entwicklung der Sprache. But that's the point! Amplify this on a grander scale and project the scenario even 100 modest years down the road where intermediation, the utter saturation of media and its engines, assures that we all will speak and think a lingua franca of such plentiful fragmentation, and we may all be at a point where our languages of mediation will be quite sparse and economical and homogenous. An even broader sort of transformation will take place with newer, more interactive media the likes of which we cannot yet fathom but which by their integumental devices will bear forth this calculus of language, a reduction of verbosity to an infinite and singular point of spontaneous knowing for all, and by consequence a reduction of literariness and desire: Enter the Monkey, whose communications lapse from On My Way to ow to owwwwwwwww, the plain noise of the desire to consume whatever whenever.

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