Thursday, April 21, 2005

READ . . .

. . . the poems of Dean Young. Here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, which comments on a poem Dean wrote about me, sorta, back in 1989 or whenever. Can you guess which one?


Anonymous said...

My poem with Andrew in it:

"On Being Asked By A Freak If He Should Ask Out Some Freak"

Hitherto, dude, don't wear that. And if you do,
wash it.
And don't get soused on Long Island
Iced Teas at some medieeeeval conference and eat out some humorless feminist. Andrew,
Kurt Cobain was gayish like you
and he married a freak, but the wrong kind of freak. The effect
is my ass with lipstick.

lms said...

You forgot about the pond, and I forgot about the Long Island Iced Teas. Which makes perfect sense, needless to say. The girl wasn't a Feminist, however; she was a Philologist.

Anonymous said...

what pond?

i guess i still forgot.

and a philologist can still be a feminist. just one who reaaaally loves laaaaanguages.

"we want what everyone wants:
complete devotion and to be left the hell alone."